When we ladies want to get pregnant, using ovulation predictors isn't necessarily the first thing on our minds. We want to pick out the baby's name and gender, decorate the baby's bedroom and buy all those fun little booties, new clothes and cuddly toys. But what we overlook can mean the difference between getting pregnant and staying childless.
Using ovulation predictors are one of the most successful ways of getting pregnant. These are not the same as pregnancy tests. Although they're used very similarly, their purpose is different. A pregnancy test only tells you if you're already pregnant. Ovulation predictors tell you if you're likely to get pregnant based on how much Luteinizing Hormone and estrogen are present in your body on any given day in your menstrual cycle.
So how do you use ovulation predictors? My favorite, the Clear Blue ovulation predictor, is very simple and can be done in three steps:
1. Pee on the test stick. Yep, it's that simple.
2. Punch the stick into the fertility monitor. Wait a few minutes for the digital reading to pop up on the screen.
3. Read the results. If one bar appears, you're not very fertile today (Sorry, try again!) If two bars appear, you're somewhat likely to get pregnant. If three bars appear, boom! It's pregnancy time!
I myself found it difficult to get pregnant. I used to just use pen and paper to track my fertility manually, but that wasn't enough, as it turned out. I'm evidently a little irregular and found my fertile days were on 16-18 during my cycle, not 14-15. That was enough of a mistake to not get pregnant when I wanted to!